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Who Pays Realtor Fees?

Who Pays Realtor Fees in Calgary?

Real estate agent commissions, a topic that often sparks curiosity and confusion. Who Pays Realtor Fees in Calgary? Ever wondered who picks up the tab for realtor fees, why they exist, and if you can flex your negotiation muscles? The world of agent fees might seem like a maze, but fear not – let’s bring clarity and excitement to this topic!

Who Pays Realtor Fees In Calgary?

Who Pays Realtor Fees In Calgary?

How Agents Get Paid and Who Takes the Hit:
Picture this: on possession day (closing), the commission fee (usually 4-6% of the home’s purchase price) is divided up between the seller’s and buyer’s agents. When a property is listed for sale, the seller agrees with a real estate agent or broker to market and sell the property. As part of this agreement, the seller agrees to pay a commission, which is a percentage of the final sale price, to the real estate agent or broker.

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