Rezoning all residential areas of Calgary to R-CG, R-G, and H-GO districts.
Blanket Rezoning In Calgary
Update on Key Dates (March 21st, 2024): Please note the following key dates on Blanket Rezoning In Calgary if you plan to submit comments to Council as part of the Public Hearing:
April 11th, 2024: Last day to provide online feedback via the Engage Rezoning Webpage (extended from the original March 17th, 2024 deadline).
April 15th, 2024: Deadline to submit comments for inclusion on the agenda for the April 22nd, 2024 Public Hearing (you can use the Public Submissions Form to submit).
April 22nd, 2024: Public Hearing date for Rezoning for Housing. Council agendas and minutes can be found here.
Proposed Rezoning:
Housing – Grade Oriented (H-GO) District
Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District
Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District
Proposed Rezoning:
Housing – Grade Oriented (H-GO) District
Housing Grade Oriented (H-GO) is a district that is appropriate in locations within a community, typically along streets with a focus on accommodating more pedestrians or streets that connect different parts of a community. This district adds the option of higher intensity redevelopment than that of R-CG, but still maintains direct ground level access for all homes.
What are the specific rules in an H-GO district/zone?
Height: 12 metres
Types of homes allowed: New homes are permitted in this district as long as the proposal meets the rules of the Land Use Bylaw.
Density: The maximum parcel coverage is 45 – 60%.
Parking: 0.5 stalls per unit and suite.

Proposed Rezoning:
Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District
Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) is a land use district/zone used in the developed areas. It allows for a variety of housing forms. This district has contextual rules that take into account the existing styles of homes around the redevelopment site.
What are the specific rules in an R-CG district/zone?
Height: 11 metres
Types of homes allowed: Single-detached, semi-detached, rowhouse, fourplex and townhome.
Density: 75 units per hectare.
Parking: 0.5 stalls/unit minimum.

Proposed Rezoning:
Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) District
Residential – Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) is a land use district/zone that allows for a variety of housing forms. R-G parcels are located in areas of a neighbourhood appropriate for a range of low-density housing forms. This district is used in developing (greenfield) areas.
What are the specific rules in an R-G district/zone?
Height: 12 metres
Types of homes allowed: Single-detached, semi-detached, and rowhouse.
Density: Each dwelling unit requires a minimum parcel area of 150 m2 (1 unit/0.015ha).
Parking: 1 stall per unit (dependent on the type of housing).

CalgaryCashBuyers stance: Although Calgary needs more housing options, the proposed blanket rezoning proposal is shortsighted and lacks common sense. A more detailed proposal with specific guidelines and community involvement is needed.
All Residents Calgary are affected by this initiative. On April 22, 2024, City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed rezoning. The rezoning aims to transition all residential areas in Calgary to a base residential district of R-CG, R-G, or H-GO, as recommended by City staff.
Following the public hearing, Council will debate and vote on rezoning to a new base residential district. Read the City background and rationale for rezoning at:
How Can You Have A say?
CalgaryCashBuyers encourages all Calgary residents to participate in the rezoning discussion.
If you want to speak directly to the decision makers, you can write to our Councilor via the Councilor contact form or you can express your views to all of Council by making written Public Submission to the City Clerk’s Office or by attending and presenting at the public hearing on this item.
Other Resources: